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HHB Training and Standards


Health Tourism Consultancy

Offering bespoke health programs and training


  • Upgrade to Gold Standard of Care

  • Preventive screening and testing model

  • Functional medicine program

  • Integrative protocols

  • Nutritional and Personalized Health

  • Healthy food options

  • Patient education + detox program

  • Green initiatives - sustainability program

  • Infectious disease control

  • Psycho immune therapy

  • Biological dentistry

  • Health and Building Safety initiative

  • Cutting edge Technology Innovation

  • Collaborative model of care

  • R and D + Trial options

  • Rehabilition support

  • Adjunct Wellness + Retreat programs

  • Patient Journeys

  • Circle of life support

  • Natural birthing - prenatal/ post natal packages

  • Hospice program

  • Integrating CAM services

  • Data management

  • Staff training for the medical tourism market

  • Emergency care upgrade options

  • Medi Vac

Professional Developments

  • HHB principles

  • Metabolic languages

  • Functional medicine


Practitioner Training

  • European Biological Medicine

  • Darkfield Hematology

  • Whole body Regulation Thermometry

  • Introduction to Integrative Medicine

  • Ayuverdic Medicine

  • Homeopathics

  • Hormone Training

  • Anti Aging Hormone Therapy Workshop

  • Introduction to Medical Peptides Training

  • Biohacking and Longevity Seminar

  • IFM courses

  • Functional Medicine



  • HHB Training and Standards Hospital 

  • Health Tourism Consultancy

  • Offering Bespoke Health Pprograms and Training

  • Upgrade to Gold Standard of Care

  • Incorporating a HHB Preventive screening and Testing Model

  • Functional Medicine Program 
    IFM - International
    FMI - Indonesia

  • Training Integrative protocols

  • Hospital healthy food training

  • Green Initiatives - Sustainability Program

  • Health and Building Safety Initiative

  • R & D + Trial Options Support for Research Papers

  • Adjunct Wellness + Retreat Programs

  • Patient Journeys and Protocols

  • Natural birthing - Prenatal/ Post Natal Packages

  • Hospice Program

  • Integrating CAM Services

  • Data Management

  • Staff Training for the Medical Tourism Market

  • Emergency Care Upgrade to Integrative Options

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