Alfa Certification Complete
8 Weeks
About the Course
Achieving the ALFA way. This complete 8 Week course will take you from Novice to Guru. Get the time with the inventor and mentor on all aspects of ALFA.
Pre and post scan
The patient
Followup treatment integration
Regular updates, discussions and one on ones with Dr Dan
Stay up to date with the latest technology and innovations as a highly sought after ALFA specialist.
Your Instructor
Dr Dan Beilin

Dr. Beilin has been teaching & practicing thermography for over 20 years. He has evaluated over 10,000 thermograms for physicians worldwide, and brought the previous device through 510k listings with the US FDA. He holds a degree in neurophysiology from U.C. Davis & is a doctor of Oriental Medicine & Herbal Pharmacology. He is known & regarded as one of the world's top authorities on thermography & complementary medicine. He testified before US Congress with the device as it applies to detection of early breast tumors.